Step 1:

Go to iTunes.
Go to the iTunes page for Your Life By Design. Click on the button below:

Step 2:

Click on View in iTunes.
Grab a screen capture or take a picture with your phone, email it to and get a chance to win a private confidential transformational consultation with Dr. Sundardas to discover your unique soul purpose.

Step 3:

Once iTunes is launched, you will see the Your Life By Design Podcast thread. Click the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button (if you have not already subscribed). You’ll be asked to sign into your iTunes account. Then click on the Ratings & Reviews tab (see example below):

Step 4:

Write A Review.
Click on ‘Write a Review’ button (you must be logged in to write a review).

Step 5:

Once you post your review it will not immediately show up. iTunes may take up to 48 hours to approve and display your review. Grab a screen capture or take a picture with your phone, email it to Your review will go through an approval process and can be viewed within 48 hours (if approved).

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