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Creating Your Personal Vision Board
Are you feeling empowered to create your own vision board? It’s easier than you may think. Simply follow the steps to prepare and execute what may be one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Step one, plan out your board. Start up with a plan for your vision board. Take some time to thoughtfully consider the message you want your personalized board to convey and how you want your vision board to look. Before you begin, ask yourself the following questions and commit to the suggested action, a shopping list to follow through with. A) What true wishes and desires do you want to reflect on your dream board? Think about your values, your career goals, family life, love life, health and wellness, how you spend your free time, what you want to learn or grow into. Make note of your answers before you begin selecting your images.
B) Do you want one board or multiple boards for different areas of your life? Some people prefer to make several small boards to visualize several categories of desire. While others prefer to make one large board that encompasses everything they desire. Keep in mind that you need to place this board in a visible place that you see every day. For a small space, don’t buy huge poster board. If you are picky about design and you want your board to match your decor, you can do that as well. Now that you figured out whether you want one board or multiple boards, follow the action list for the creation of your board. Action: Add to your shopping list board with the correct size and color.
C) What type of images will you use, printed or actual photographs and where will you source them from? You can source these images from newspaper cutouts, magazine cutouts, images and quotes printed from the internet, your Pinterest board, photographs, pages from a book, brochures, pamphlets and flyers. Images are a major component of vision boards. For photographs printed from the internet and cut out from the magazine, use stick glue, tape or hot glue. For precious items or photograph, buy acid-free removable adhesives that are safe for photos. Action: Add to your shopping list glues and adhesives needed.
Creating a vision board is a special ritual. Click To TweetD) Decide in your vision board style. Tidy board or messy board. Some people don’t mind haphazardly cutting out photos and gluing them to a board. Others prefer a neat and tidy board. If you’re fine with imperfect cutouts, stick to scissors. If you need perfectly cutout intricate images, pick up an X-ACTO blade and a cutting mat for a much more enjoyable experience. Action: Add to your shopping list scissors or any other cutting tools.
E) Adding embellishments to your board. To imagine the look and the unique potential experience of creating your board, ask yourself a few questions. Do you want your board to feature an affirmation? You might want stencils or letter stickers. Do you want to add decorative elements so that your board will fit in with the decor? Maybe decorative stickers. Is there a certain kind of incense or candles you like to burn while you create your board? Make sure that all the supplies are at hand to make that happen. Action: Add to your shopping list and write down additional supply needed to make the board and the creation experience that’s uniquely yours.
Step two: Buy your supplies. With your shopping list in hand, go out and buy all the supplies you need. If cash is short, thrift stores and local free sites like Craigslist often have plenty of crafting supplies on offer. Gather your vision board images. Many people choose to use cutout magazine images that support for their vision board. It is fun to go through the magazines and find images that speak to you. You need to either purchase magazines or find a way to get a stack of free ones. Feel free to get creative and gather your images from other sources. For example, newspaper cutouts, images and quotes from the internet. Check out articles and lots of quotes, motivational quotes, gratitude quotes, photographs, pages from a book, brochures, pamphlets, flyers. Printing images from the internet can use up a lot of printer ink. Keep that in mind when buying vision board supplies.

Vision Board: Treat your vision board like it’s sacred. It’s a special gift you’ve given to yourself and a powerful tool to attract all your desires into your life.
Step three: Set up your space. Creating a vision board is a special ritual. It’s time to get in touch with that part of you deep inside. Something that will resonate deep inside. Identify your true desires and focus your energy in attracting them into your life. Treat this moment as something special, as something kind you’re doing for yourself. Here are some ideas to make creating your vision board a special experience for you. Find an uninterrupted quiet space. This is your own time and your own experience. A vision board is all about you and what you want for your life. Make sure you’ve got a few hours all by yourself to really focus on this special gift. Set out all your supplies to ensure uninterrupted creativity. Double check everything you need to create your vision board is on hand. Don’t forget the extra glue sticks. Light some candles or incense. Our sense of smell is very powerful and delightful. Remember to engage it.
Use your favorite oil burner, perfume, lotions, candles and incense to invite welcoming and soothing energy to the experience. Turn on some music. There are certain artists and style of music that really lights up your soul. Go ahead and play it. You may get distracted by lyrics. If you think the content of certain songs will influence you, then find some instrumental music to play. Tibetan chants, singing bowls, and even nature sounds can bring on a sense of comfort and peace, setting the mood for the experience. Meditate or say a prayer before you begin. If you often ask God, spirit guide, source, the universe, your higher-self or angels for help, go ahead and say a prayer and fall in those energies to empower your experience. It also helps to meditate. Take some time to sit quietly and check in how you’re feeling. Let go of all your worries about the day.
A vision board is all about you and what you want for your life. Click To TweetStep four: Create your vision board. For this step, let your creative power shine. It’s totally up to you whether your board is simple and neutral or complicated and metaphorical. Cut out your images and tell a story with your board or create a collage of images that speak to you. What matter is that your images mirror your desires. When you look at your board images, you should feel a strong connection to those desires. Take time to cut your images out. Sit with your images for a moment before you attach them to your board. Hold them in your hand and then feel the desire running through your body. Notice what emotions arise when you think of that image and the desire that conjures. See yourself getting what you want and feel the happiness radiating from it. After creating your vision board, once you have created your vision board, place in an area that you see every day. Many people like to notice their vision board near the nightstand or other places that they look at first thing in the morning.
After a time, there are times you’re not really seeing your vision board, make a positive habit of sitting with your board at least once a week. Simply take ten minutes to look at your board, reflecting why you specifically chose those images. Revisit the feelings of happiness and gratitude of eventually having those desires in your life. Not only is a vision board a wonderful reminder of what you truly want in life. It’s a powerful motivator to elect on achieving your goals. Treat your vision board like it’s sacred. It’s a special gift you’ve given to yourself and a powerful tool to attract all your desire into your life.
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