Are You Consistently You?

Are You Consistently You?

  Building a personal brand is the one way that guarantees longevity in your business. How do you brand yourself when you’re just starting? Dr. Sundardas cover five simple tactics that you can put in place to help you enhance your personal brands. Also, take the time...
Reach Beyond Your Limiting Beliefs

Reach Beyond Your Limiting Beliefs

  Are your limiting beliefs sabotaging your health and keeping you sick or hurting? In reality, you may not even know that you have these limiting beliefs in the first place and that they are also related to your health. That is why it is crucial to eliminate all...
Are You Psyching Yourself Out?

Are You Psyching Yourself Out?

  Many people tend to forget reality when faced with struggles and challenges in life, psyching themselves out by overthinking. Humans as we are, we tend to fall into this mind game as a response to stress. Our problems seem more prominent and the world appears meaner...
Steps to Overcoming Procrastination

Steps to Overcoming Procrastination

To overcome our psychological aversion to uncomfortable tasks, one way is to make the threshold for getting started quite low” and just getting started. Often starting a task is the biggest hurdle. For example, “A real mood boost comes from doing what we intend to...

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